We will have several Worship opportunities during Holy Week (April 13-April 20). All services (excluding the Sunrise Easter Garden Service at 8 am on April 20) will have Nursery Care available.

Palm Sunday, April 13 @ 11 am
On Sunday, April 13, Palm Sunday, we will have one combined Worship Service at 11 am in the Sanctuary with a Children’s Palm Processional. Following the service, everyone is invited to stay for a Saint Paul Family Picnic & Easter Egg Hunt. https://www.stpaulgoldsboro.org/palm-sunday-picnic/

Tuesday, April 15 @ 7 pm
On Tuesday, April 15, we will have a Worship Service of Healing at 7 pm in the Sanctuary with the anointing of oil. (Nursery service will be available.)

Thursday, April 17 @ 7 pm
On Thursday, April 17, we will have a Communion Worship Service at 7 pm in the Sanctuary to remember the last days of Jesus with a stripping of the altar. (Nursery service will be available.)

Easter Sunday, April 20 @ 8 am & 11 am
On Sunday, April 20, Easter Sunday, we will have (2) worship services, both including Communion:
- Easter Morning Service in the Garden at 8 am
- Easter Resurrection Service in the Sanctuary at 11 am
Remember to bring flowers to place on the cross as we “flower the cross.”